Southdale Bible Chapel | Song View | We will Glorify(OS060)(CS212).pro

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We will Glorify(OS060)(CS212).pro
Orig Key: D | New Key:

Title: We will Glorify(OS060)(CS212)

Subtitle: Key=D

D/F#    G    A      A/D  D
We will glorify the King of Kings
D/F#    G    A      D
We will glorify the Lamb
D/F#    G    A      A/B  Bm7
We will glorify the Lord of Lords
D/F# G     D/A   A D
Who is the great I Am
D/F#   G     A         A/D D
Lord Jehovah reigns in majesty
D/F#    G     A        D
We will bow before His throne
D/F#    G       A      A/B  Bm7
We will worship Him in righteousness
D/F#    G       D/A A D
We will worship Him alone
D/F#  G       A       A/D  D
He is Lord of heaven, Lord of earth
D/F#  G       A       D
He is Lord of all who live
D/F#  G       A       A/B Bm7
He is Lord of all the universe
D/F# G        D/A A  D
All praise to Him we give
D/F# G     A      A/D     D
Hallelujah to the King of Kings
D/F# G     A      D
Hallelujah to the Lamb
D/F# G     A      A/B  Bm7
Hallelujah to the Lord of Lords
D/F# G     D/A   A D
Who is the great I Am{tag:CommunionOS}

Key: D